Hello and welcome to this … unusual blog.
The reason I say it’s unusual is because, as a writer, I need to market myself somehow and all the articles on marketing say I need to blog.
But, as I’m a fiction author, I have no idea what to actually write about. Most of my content goes into my books.
So, how was I supposed to offer my writing to the world in a blog? I don’t have anything that will solve your problems (like I would if I were a non-fiction author).
But I can entertain you (hopefully).
And the best way to entertain you is to use some of my most beloved characters.
So, back to the “unusual” part of this blog. It’s basically going to be an imaginative blog where my characters hijack it and cause all sorts of nonesense and troubles for me, but great entertainment for you!
I hope you enjoy the shenanigans!